Define Dag Nabbit Meaning

Dag Nabbit
sometimes used instead of dammit, also a thing to say when frustrated or mad.

By Lorna
Dag Nabbit
something my grandfather would say when us kids were around (& paying attention).

'Betty, I ran out of toliet paper, dag nabbit.'
By Scarlet
Dag Nabbit
Sometimes used instead of dammit, especially when aimed at children.

"Dag nabbit! Who left the lights on and the door open?"
"Dag nabbit!!! You flag your fanny home right now!"
By Lebbie
Dag Nabbit
sometimes used instead of dammit, also a thing to say when frustrated or mad.

By Dierdre
Dag Nabbit
a phrase made popular by Grandpa from "Rugrats". Ancient people say it in place of "dammit" when they are in front of young people (that means 70yrs and below to them)

"Dag nabbit! Where the FUCK did i put them goddamn dentures?"
By Maggy