Define Despot Meaning

a guy that is the weird sexual one in your friend group. he is funny hang out with but will never ever get a date because he objectifies women. he always looks like a pedo.....but isnt. he can be sweet, but it is usually just to get in your pants. if you ever meet a despot, introduce him to someone else.

" hey whos that guy "
"oh thats despot"
" should we say hi ?"
" nope, lets just speed walk"
By Lurette
The worst form of government in Civilization 3. You suffer from massive amounts of corruption and waste, and any square producing more then 2 commerce, food, or shields produces one less. Research your way to Republic or Monarchy ASAP.

Despotism sucks!
By Cacilia
"Despotism is government by a singular authority - either a single person or tightly knit group - which rules with absolute power."

By Tonie

He uses all his oil money to expand his palace, not help the common man, what a smacktard despot!
By Annice

That was a Despotes.
By Keriann
Bunch of randoms who need idlers...

22:38 #team-despotic
By Eleonora
Home Despot
A large wharehouse that sells poorly made household items made in china, warped lumber, and grossly underpays its employees.

I went down to the Home Despot to buy a can a spray paint and got fucking lost.
By Ginni
Day Of The Despot
A term used to characterize present day politics all over the world as the apparent surge in fascist-leaning leaders is seen.

It looks like we’re living in the Day of the Despot with all of these strong-arm, cult of personality types being “voted” into office.
By Theo
Tinpot Despot
The name for dictators in small countries that think they are more important than they are. The term comes from how children play soldier by putting a kitchen pot on their heads to make people think they are real soldiers. Tinpot despots have a lot less influence in the world than they think they do. They often use military forve to get what they want.

Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Muammar al-Gaddafi of Libya are considered tinpot despots. Sudan, Eritrea, Chad, and Equatorial Guinea also have tinpot despots as leaders as well.
By Mariska
Despotic Rule
Despotism is government by a singular authority - either a single person or tightly knit group - which rules with absolute power.

Also, see despotism and hydraulic despotism.

columbians monopolizing the coke industry, the mongolians in the Opium wars, Egypt and Babylonia in the BCE era, the government controlled the irrigation channels; good subjects received plentiful water for their crops, while bad subjects were starved of water so that their crops died.
By Saundra