Define Doopy Meaning


Did you know that information can be remembered easier if it is presented in a doopy format?
By Amil

By Opal
first off doopy isnt like poopy with a d...doopy is my nickname...basicaly its when a mom is on crack and trys to call her baby girl dopey but could only come up with doopy...yup thats how it happened

mmm...doopey..nope..dopy....nope...doopy...yea thats it
By Karly
Like poopy only with a d

doopy! DOOPY! I SAID...DOOPY! Hey, guess what? DOOPY!
By Cherie
doopy means a penis, but it is usually used when talking about a child's penis or a small penis

By Deva
its my nickname that got given to me when i was trying to tell a joke bout the 7 darwfs and instead of saying dopey i said doopy...

and then "doopy" said...

hay lets call that guy doopy from now on why dont we.
By Melly
Doopie Doopie
A person who is slow moving and acts like a real downer. Someone who is negative, unhappy and just plain unpleasant to be around.

Dooping, used as a verb

Antonym: zingy zingy

Don't be such a doopie doopie!
Dave, why you dooping?

Lyndsey, did you doop your pants?
By Althea

1. What a doopy kid, he just tripped over his shoe-laces.
By Betteanne
the name for someone who is awesome and adorable.

an affectionate expression towards a silly and cute person.

aw, doopie. i miss you.
By Meggi
A nerd, in a good way. An awesome nerd\scientist.

nerd awesome scientist good Doopie
By Lorilyn