Define Dream Stans Meaning

Dream Stan
people that watch minecraft youtuber Dream and usually simp for him in anyway possible

dream stan: dreams ass for 2020
dream stan: dreams β€œoh come on now” is attractive

dream stan: omg fuck the face reveal we wanna see dreams kitchen 😍
By Christiana
Dream Stan

Me: "I don't like Dream SMP."
Dream stan: "Fuck you! Dream is the best! Go kill yourself!"
By Shelley
Dream Stan
Cancerous children that think Dream is the best minecrafter ever. If you give Dream any criticism, they will swat your fucking house.

"Are you ok, dude?"
"No, a fucking Dream Stan swatted my house."
By Nell
Dream Stan
Not all of Dream's fans are like this, but a large (and vocal) percentage are. They attack people who does (or is suspected) of not liking Dream by sending death threats. They also have profile pictures of GeorgeNotFound, have either "Dweam" or "Gogy" in their Twitter handles. They also make sexual fanarts of Dream and his friends and some of them say some very disturbing things.

Unfortunately, Dream himself always seems to side with his stans even when they sent death threats to someone on Twitter for not liking his content. So his actions may contribute to the problem.

Me: Did you hear? Technoblade won the Pvp contest.

By Jeane
Dream Stans
A bunch of soyboys that simp over dream no matter what, whether it’s getting accounts on twitter suspended for going against dream or dream stans even in the slightest or disagreeing with something about dream or basically harassing people like a crowd of BTS fan girls.

β€œtw // dream stans are cringe”
By Shaylynn
Dream Stans
A bunch of gay kids who think dream is life or death and make gay fan art for him. They also dox people for no reason and ruined many youtubers

By Sonia
Dream Stan

By Benedicta
Dream Stan
Someone who thinks anyone with a green skin and makes minecraft videos is copying dream
Also goes on random minecraft youtuber's videos and spams "dream is better" etc

"Fuck dream stans, all my homies hate dream stans"
By Ira
Dream Stan
Toxicity powered by a rotting brain.
A Dream Stan is a fan of the popular minecraft youtuber Dream, who usually devote their already sad lives to Dream. Most of them are very sensitive people who get offended over the tiniest of things, and are the types of people to enforce Political and non-Political (such as forcing someone to like something) beliefs on other people.
They support things they dont look in depth into.
Most of their IQ's are under 0 itself, and should take a long hard look at their lives and realize where their life went wrong.

Random Person: "Dream is mediocre in my opinion, I don't enjoy his content."
Dream Stan: "What the fuck did you just say? HUH? Are you some kind of racist? White supremacist IDIOT."
Random Person: "..."
By Kylynn
Dream Stan
A nicer way of saying "retard"
Note: I don't mind Dream, it's just the stans that piss me off.

Guy 1: I saw a Dream Stan in my Hypixel Housing house yesterday.
Guy 2: What did you do to the little fucker?
Guy 1: Banned him.
Guy 2: Pog
By Ophelie