Define Edgy Kid Meaning

Edgy Kid
A kid who tries to be dank by saying "kys" or uses the word "cunt, skrub, and pleb" and usually uses "XD". Stay away from these kids. They're annoying..

"Omg this edgy kid was so annoying to deal with."
By Bunnie
Edgy Kids
A group of kids who do dumb things like smash Smarties and yell "I LOVE COCAINE" or whip and dab so much that it isn't cool anymore. They also listen to songs on repeat, generally from Bart Baker( Not dissing him ) or any song that only uses cuss words. They're a lot of the time jocks, and no matter how annoying they are you really don't hate them, it would just be nice if they sat down in their damn bus seat and bring some earphones.

God those edgy kids from 5th Grade are so annoying, Whipping is so 2015.
By Reggi
Edgy Kid
A socially inept dipshit (usually around the age of 10 to 16) that tries too hard to be cool by either offending everybody or sounding dark, emo, or nihilistic . You can spot these fucking losers watching Leafyishere, listening to Vaporwave, saying "kys" or "drink bleach," claiming how they want to kill themselves, sucking off Adolf Hitler and Nazism, being a neo Nazi thinking it makes them cool, and looking at iFunny while sitting on the bleachers in gym class alone.

By Kettie
Edgy Kid
A socially inept dipshit (usually around the age of 10 to 16) that tries too hard to be cool by either offending everybody or sounding dark, emo, or nihilistic . You can spot these faggots watching Leafyishere, listening to Vaporwave, saying "kys", "drink bleach," or "i'm dead inside" claiming how they want to kill themselves, sucking off Adolf Hitler and Nazism, being a neo Nazi thinking it makes them cool, and looking at iFunny while sitting on the bleachers in gym class alone. They usually wear ripped jeans and dark af sweaters, they wear sweaters when it is burning hot and sit in corners by themselves acting depressed. They also walk around telling everybody about how their "dead inside" or "depressed", when in reality they just want people to feel bad for them.

Look at Mike, hes such an Edgy Kid, he dosen't like Nazism, we all know hes just trying to get people to feel bad for him.
By Essie