Define Gooned Meaning

Verb; to be gooned is to be awaken by two large men (usually Somoan) and escorted from your home to a wilderness program, RTC, or other therapeutic or recovery establishment.

Frank: "Jim! Have you seen Todd? I haven't seen him in a couple of days."

Jim: "You didn't hear? Todd got gooned the other night! He put up a good fight though. The goons hand to put him in handcuffs and had to give him a horse tranquilizer to comply."
By Virginie
to get extreamly drunk

i was so gooned last night, i dont remember anything.
By Eydie
to be run over by a car

Jim: Woah dude don't cross the street yet you don't want to get gooned
David: Yeah, you're right, I'd rather not get gooned
By Gill
to be so incredibly stoned that you look chinese, (unless you are already chinese, then you'd look like a mole)

wait- what was i just talking about? god, i'm gooned.
By Marylinda
to be pranked or spoofed that serves the purpose to belittle somebody

"Hey Carlee, you're gonna be the IB Student of the Month for sure!"

"No way Cody! Are you bein for real?"

"Lol no get gooned loser."
By Ansley
to back down from ,to step back:to pussy out of doing something

dude u gooned out of goin in her pants u cornhole
By Anastasie
Goon Of Goons
A goon king. One similar to the king of kings but has added goon-like powers. A goon who out performs all others in life no matter how awkward or foolish he/she may behave.

Seth: Whoa! Who is this goon? I've never seen him before.

Brent: I don’t know, but he has the ability to swing any lady, solve any logical problem, feed any starving family, and bring peace to any society while acting like a jackass at the same time.

Seth: ... such a king. How do I describe someone this uber?

Brent: The goon of goons.
By Nessie
"Gooning" may be most simply defined as that state usually achieved after a prolonged edging session, when a man becomes completely hypnotized by the feeling radiating his penis. Since a gooning state can only be achieved after edging, the man's dick will have become mightily aroused at this point and every caress the male genitals are subjected to will trigger potent elation. As the man keeps edging and thus keeps experiencing intense pleasure, he enters a state of trance where his mind intimately merges with his cock : the gooning state, where he and his dick become one. To be even more accurate, when the gooning state is achieved, the man's body becomes for all intents and purposes an appendage to his erection. When this state is achieved, the male becomes freed of all social codes of conduct, and his arousal, alone, dictates his reactions. As a result, a gooned out man will become very expressive and demonstrative : he may become very vocal, while his body and face might take on undignified expressions and poses, all in response to the intensely exquisite caresses his penis is exposed to. Hence the term "goon", since at this point the man effectively looks like a silly, foolish, or eccentric person.

Gooning is not a narcissistic manifestation. Narcissism is extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents. Rather, gooning is closer to a meditation experience, where the mind and the body align, focused on a single thought (or feeling, in this case).

I spent 10 hours gooning over the weekend.
By Marillin
For males: the act of becoming completely self-absorbed with your penis and masturbation, such that your face and mannerisms takes on the personality of a goon: tongue out, vacant expression, grunting, muttering. Men gooning often prefer hours of edging/erection to actual release/orgasm. An artifact of modern times and plentiful porn.

After smoking a huge bowl, Andy looked forward to the hours of gooning that followed.
By Tatiana
Along with Albolene, one of the bate-culture shibboleths that reveal a man as an obsessive (and knowledgeable) Masturbator. The word possibly derives from childhood traditions of making a grotesquely silly "goon" face (e.g., at the end of the "Little Bunny Foo-Foo" game), or from the goggle-eyed, phallic-nosed character Alice the Goon in old Popeye comic strips from the 1930s.

''Gooning'' may be most simply defined as that state usually achieved after a prolonged edging session, when a man becomes completely hypnotized by the beautiful sight of his own erection, so that he no longer really needs other stimulation such as pornographic words and imagery. He's turned on by witnessing his own sexual arousal -- that is, he's turned on by the fact of his turned-on-ness -- and by simply gazing at his own hard, throbbing, precum-leaking, magnificently MALE PENIS.

He may also have a sensation that he is his cock, and his cock is him, and furthermore, that nothing exists except himself and the DONG. (Being a geek, I once suggested that the goon state could be compared to that episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation where a subspace fluctuation in the warp drive's matter/antimatter ganeckticazoid ends up flinging Beverly Crusher into a collapsing micro-universe that contains only herself and an unmanned U.S.S. Enterprise.) Anyway, while all this is happening, there's a high probability that his face is contorted into some mighty undignified expressions -- and hence the term "goon."

By Lenore