Define Talking Meaning

when two people like each other a lot and have established that they like each other but they aren't technically "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" yet but they don't talk to other people

John and I have been talking for months, I wonder when he will ask me out.
By Lurline
What Charles Ryder and Julia Flyte do on the ship back to England in Catholic convert Evelyn Waugh's 1945 novel Brideshead Revisited.

"All next day Julia and I spent together without interruption; talking, scarcely moving, held in our chairs by the swell of the sea."
By Corinne
When two people are not exclusive with each other nor have established what they are as a couple, but have some sort of relationship.

"John and I go out a lot but we're just talking." or "We've been talking for months now but we're not together."
By Claudia
When you talk to someone a lot and you like them but you aren’t dating yet.

Ryan: are you and Eva dating

Tom: not yet we are only talking
By Brandea
"stage" in which you are still single but interested in another person and vice versa. this ends when the dating stage begins

I'm talking to this one guy I met a week ago.
By Shaine
New-age term for "dating". The process of going out on dates and getting to know another person, prior to being in a relationship with them.

I have been talking to Gina for a while now, I'm thinking about asking her out.
By Dorris
1) The act of verbalizing.

2) The social area above friends, and below boyfriend/girlfriend.

3) The word that often causes the most confusion (and most explaining) in relationship explanations.

Social Person: So, I hear Tim and Gina have been talking for awhile now.

Unaware Person: Well I've been talking to Tiff for awhile now...

Social Person: Really?

Unaware Person: Yeah! We've talked about like, everything from food to gossip!

Social Person: ...

*word explanation occurs*
By Merrielle
to me talking is you when you are really into someone and want to be in a relationship with them but want to make sure you 100% like that person and ready to be with them in a relationship before you confirm anything it’s like you don’t want to go into a relationship blind about that person and half way through realize you don’t actually like them. so your “talking” with them first and if your talking to someone your basically taken idc.

girl: hey matt your really cute we should hook up sometime🥰
guy: sorry i’m actually talking to someone right now
By Vevay
Talking is a complicated form of a relationship in which two people often enjoy each others company and engage in sexual relations with out commitment. it is considered to be more serious than friends with benefits, because in certain rare instances 'talking' can lead to a relationship, where as just 'hooking up' never does. HOWEVER talking very rarely results in a long term monogamous relationship because sexual relations occur much earlier with 'talking' than in normal dating, and one or both people grow accustomed to the freedom to hook up with other people, while simultaneously 'talking' to and banging the other person involved in the 'talking' relationship. This form of a relationship is very popular with people between the ages of 15-23, and most often results in broken hearted girls (due to the misunderstanding that talking isnt considered exclusive dating, even if the guy acts like they 'really like you' whenever youre around) and guys reaping all the sexual benefits/freedom.

ashley: 'i'm soooo upset *sob*
shannon: 'why?!'

ashley:" i just found out that john slept with one of my sorority sisters last night when i was out of town visiting my sick grandmother in the hospital"
shannon: "im soooo sorry!'t yall just talking?

ashley:'yah, but still'....*sob*
By Donni
in the land before time, talking was only about making sounds coming from your mouth.
now talking is texting "being textual" among other things
yes, you heard me. getting "textual" .
Talking is categorized by two people conversing on the phone or texting, with multiple winking smilies a day and possibilities of dating/hooking up at some point...until that glorious day you are said to be "just talking" :(

"oh hey nicole...are you and JL going out now?"
*crying "no...we're just talking...." *sobbs in disappointment

I thought I was talking to him, but then the douchebag moved to canada!
By Juanita