Define Guano Meaning


By Robbin
To go completely bat shit; driven to the brink of insanity.

"Man, if I have to hear Babci's story about how she beat up that guy in the bar in '43 and they rolled out into the street in front of the bus I'm gonna go guano"
By Nariko
a substance composed chiefly of the excrement of seafowl and used as a fertilizer; aka bat sh!t

By Jean
Guano mines as a source of nitrate, producing 84% of the world's supply of fertilizer, a $1.4 billion industry.

Guano. Hello. Does "poo" ring a bell?
By Raeann
1. Avian fecal matter. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the North American Guano Company would send ships to south-Pacific islands to harvest the guan, which was used as fertilizer. (seriously!)

2. Bad news or something unpleasant and unflattering.

1. We used to have to import our guano from Mocronesia, but today we produce so much bullshit in Washington, that we no longer need the bird shit!

2. Wendy really dumped a load of guano on me when she said we were breaking up!
By Dolly

I had to clean some guano of my car.
By Steffane
eskimo word for pegnuin droppings

It is guano.
By Melantha

Those damn pigeons left a spattering of guano on my car.
By Anneliese
Guano-a-guano- is a Jersey originated term that means "bullshit to bullshit". Best examples are when politicians (or extreme left wing liberals) begin debating a subject and you just know it's all going to be "politics as usual" or "guano-a-guano" match. Derived from the Spanish term "Mano-a-mano" - originally used in bullfighting by matadors trying to gain the popularity from the crowd. And of course Guano is the excrement from seabirds, bats and seals...

Also the rhetoric that spews from the mouths of socialist, anti capitalist liberals.

In 2011 when the republicans gain control of the house of representatives, I cant wait for the Guano-a-guano debates and rhetoric that will come from the liberals. I can't wait for Barrack Hussein Obama and Speaker of the House, John Boehner start their first session in Congress about repealing Obamacare. It's going to be guano-a-guano at it's best!
By Anthia
literally meaning bat feces, it can be substituted for shit as a much cooler alternative

Holy guano! This place smells like guano!
By Venita