Define Ila Meaning


By Mitzi
i.l.a. "I laugh aloud" coined with the purpose to replace the often overused lol and especially LOL

wtf jarboe?! ila
By Golda
A species most known to mankind as being one of the most beautiful and intellectual people on earth. Because there are very few on the planet, they are rare and highly valued. In fact, catching one Ila is worth more than one million dollars! Though, be very careful because they have the self defense skills of Jackie Chan.

I almost caught an Ila today but instead got a roundhouse kick!
By Gwyneth
The hottest girl ever. She is kind and very beautiful. She is an angel.

Ila is so hott
By Thia
An angel of light. Flawed perfection is the definition of beauty, and she is the embodiment. She is creative, focused and kind, a true Disney princess.

Ila can kick your ass without even touching you. All she needs to do is smile.
By Carlina
Ila is a girl that is heaven sent. Ila can master any sport without having to put her mind to it and she can get really good at it in just a few tries. Ila will have her first kiss when she is 20, and lose her virginity when she is 25, because she is saving herself for marriage. Ila can be insensitive at times, but will usually seek forgiveness, not revenge. Ila's fashion is indescribable! She can wear Punk, indie, grunge, and anything else. But for music, she would like to trim it down to at most 3 genres of must that she likes. This all of her music depends on many different Ila's. Ila can also be really annoying though. She likes to hit people for her amusement( usually her small sibling) Ila is also a publicly misunderstood person and would like to talk to people, if she had the courage :)

Ila: Hey! How are ya' today?
Person: I thought you hated me
Ila: Love outdoes anything! Especially hate
By Ethel
A constant state of goodness. Positivity. Oneness.

Adjective used to describe upful, joyful words, thoughts, actions, people, places or things or events.

Often used to refer to Holy or sacred gatherings, etc.

Superb. Righteous. Gifted. Blessed beyond measure...

Her Necklace was ilaful. The stones radiated light and positivity.

The concert was ilaful.

She had an ilaful smile.
By Esme
Adjective: A state of being: Fruitful. Luminous. Full of truth and light. Intentionally positive. Full of positive vibration, upful frequency and good vibes. Radiating joy. Generous. Kind. Blessed. Full of goodness. Naturally beautiful. Rootsy. Full of life. Good vibes. Of the earth.

There is no warmth ilaful like that of the golden sun.
By Charyl
The most stunning , beutifull, most perfect girl to ever walk the earth , shes funny and never lets some one down and has always got your

Ila is gorgeous
By Jacky
A girl who has random mental breakdowns. Ila's are often quiet and secluded, but they love memes. They have very few friends bc they don't talk to ppl. They usually get along better with guys. Painfully blunt.

"Wow, that girl is such an ila. She'll never have a boyfriend.“
By Dulcy