Define Jaytee Meaning

1. Exibits the characteristics of a homosexual.

-You just pulled an ellazies!

-You're spelling like an ellazies!

- That shirt is jaytee.
By Charmain
Aflicted with being a dipwad wanna be player that thinks their own shit smells good. Leaves a wake of broken hearts and a trail of STD's. Beware of flattering conversation and pointed smiles. Commitment and marriage repel it.

That dude is Jayteed. Stay away from him, you might catch something.
By Dolores
1. the status of being sad, a pathetic abo who finds pleasure out of gay sex
2. A man who dedicates his life to being a fag. See synonyms at fag.

Could you stop being a jaytee its irritating me
By Leslie