Define Kleptocracy Meaning

"The Governance of Thieves" - Technical term, mixed from the psychological term "cleptomania" or "kleptomania" - the urge to steal, and the greek sillable "cratia" - the rule of, as in "democracy".
Often applied to the rulers of Subsaharan African states.

The problem of most African countries is not lack of food, but those kleptocrats in power.
By Penni
A corrupt governmental body made up of thieves, also sullied by nepotism and cronyism, or in other words a synonym for government itself.

History shows that to be governed is to live under a kleptocracy.
By Danyette
The United States. A country were politicians only care unless there's something in it for them, as only those who lie the best get elected to further abuse power.

I love living in a kleptocracy, money for pointless neverending wars, dieases without cure, and school books from 1960.
By Brittaney

Any government led by a Bush is surely a kleptocracy. The just fuck shit up in multiple ways ... fucktards
By Jessamyn
A system of government characterized by rampant corruption and misallocation of public funds.

That country is a kleptocracy in which nothing is accomplished without greasing the palms of government officials.
By Trula
A corrupt governmental body made up of thieves, also sullied by nepotism and croneyism.

The county government is a perfect example of a kleptocracy
By Courtney
Post-communist Kleptocracy
That delightful period after a communist country falls during which everything becomes surprisingly stealable. A system of government that has a heavy focus on criminality and survival-of-the-fittest. What happens when commies turn on each other.

Russia after the Soviet Union became a post-communist kleptocracy.
By Vinita
The very definition of Brazil.

In Brazil the Workers Party stablished a Kleptocracy (Deltan Dallagnol, Brazilian public attorney)
By Lynne