Define Le Douche Meaning

Le Douche
can mean either "cool" or hott, or ugly or stupid, depening on the sentence.

Good : kelly, your outfit is so le douche!
Bad : Ew, her outfit was soo le douche last night!
By Kelly
Le Douche
A European douche bag (most commonly a French one).

Jay: Hey Tommy, check out Frenchie over here!
Tommy: Yeah, I know, what a Le Douche
By Kial
Le Douche
a complete, slow-moving idiot or moron.

Josh yelled to Jered “Hurry the fuck up Le Douche. This shit has to be done today.”
By Jillian
Guy Le Douche
One of the best interviewers on television today. He appears on the show "MXC" (most extreme elimination challenge).

This man is very in-depth with his conversations, and can do it with great humor. He puts any other "on field" sportscaster to shame.

Guy le Douche should have recieved an award for his stellar interview with the lady on the "meat handlers" team.
By Kristien
Bag Le Douche
someone who is being more than your average douchebag. calling them the french version of the word implies that they are not only a douchebag but they are also french, making the insult far worse.

man 1: geez, that guys is a douchebag.

man 2: no, dude. what that bag le douche did transcends normal douchebaggery.
By Kimmy
Guy Le Douche
An 'insulting' name, often spoken to get somebody's attention. It was started by the TV show MXC (Most Extreme Elimination Challenge), in which a character named Guy le Douche appears.

By Cherye
Pepe Le Douche
Another version of douchebag. you can also shorten it to PLD. but why make it shorter when you could make it longer and really give it to 'em with Pepe Le Douchebag.

That Jeff is such a PLD.

Don't even get me started on that Pepe Le Douche!

Kevin, you're what the french like to call, A Pepe Le Douchebag.
By Zarah
Tour Le Douche
Term to describe the Douche-like wankers dressed up in Lycra who get off by riding around city streets on road racing bicycles. Generally the most dangerous, ignorant and arrogant of all road users.

Bill: Dude, I was cycling to work this morning; indicating to turn right, and this Lycra covered Douchestain, came flying past, overtaking me on my right hand side - he was this close!

James: Dude, if he slowed down, he wouldn't come first in the Tour le Douche. You should have popped a clothesline on his fool ass...

Bill: Aaaaaaaaaaaaay
By Gaye
Douche Le Douche
douche of the douche, the ultimate douchebag......may or may not be from france......

"Douche le fuckin douche," you are dumb......
By Benedikta
Geek Le Douche
What you call someone who is being a geek, and a douche, simultaneously.

GLD: "Before i go, i need to check on my level 70 ogre on wow."
Me: What the fuck, geek le douche.
By Issi