Define Mentally Disturbed Meaning

Mentally Disturbed
Sometimes used as an insult, a mentally disturbed person is someone with a mental disorder which affects their cognitive, emotional, or social functioning.

This includes depression, anxiety, being too self-conscious, insomnia, inability to control emotions, angry outbursts, or shutting down emotionally, feeling numb or disconnected from society, disordered eating, not seeing things the way they really are, delusions, hallucinations, unfair prejudices, lying, thinking people are out to get you, trying to control others and not controlling yourself and/or judging and criticizing others harshly.

Pat claims to be “gender fluid”. In truth, Pat is a classic example of a gender fluid person who has the right to choose their own gender orientation. Anyone who thinks otherwise has unfair prejudices and is, therefore, mentally disturbed.
By Joelynn
Mentally Disturbed
Any person with an identifiable set of genitalia that “identifies “ as anything other than the sex Mother Nature fashioned them as.

Pat claims to be “gender fluid”. In truth, Pat is a classic example of someone that is mentally disturbed and should be locked away in an asylum being fed meds and given a lobotomy.
By Appolonia
Homoantijiod On A Mentally Disturbed Chair
1. A homosexual thing which is not frog like that is sitting on a chair with mental problems

2. Very Bad

1. Al Sharpton is homoantijiod on a mentally disturbed chair.

2. Al Sharpton is homoantijiod on a mentally disturbed chair
By Janette
Mentally Disturbed Llama

By Amii