Define Mersey Meaning

The best ship in the world. It will never sink for as long as it sails

Mersey will never sink!!!!
By Grazia

Jess halls mouth is like the Mersey
By Jillie
Mersey Trout
a turd: descriptive of the only fish-shaped items found in the river Mersey (running through the city of Liverpool in England)

Richard sat on the khazi and launched a Mersey Trout
By Jo
Mersey Trout
A brown object floating in the River Mersey - Liverpool (a Poo)

I saw a massive Mersey Trout today - with Sweetcorn eyes!
By Margette
Mersey Tunnel
Large, oversized vagina that offers no sexual satisfaction

Look at that Mersey Tunnel. You could get lost in there.
By Ronnica
Mersey Goldfish
A turd floating in the Mersey Estuary

I was sitting on the ferry admiring the view when a couple of Mersey goldfish swam past
By Toby
Heaton Mersey
The best place in Stockport, also a lot better than any of the other Heatons e.g Heaton Moor, Heaton Chapel and Heaton Norris.

Wow John, i'm really glad we don't live in Heaton Norris, Heaton Mersey is so much better.
By Gabi
Mersey Marsbar

oh look, that guy is swimming right into that mersey marsbar, i hope he's hungry.
By Stoddard
Mersey Steamer
Northern English term originating in Liverpool. A very large and noxious shit.

Scouser 1 (just vacating a toilet): "Keep out of there mate."
Scouser 2: "Why, mate?"
Scouser 3 (wafting his hand): "I've just berthed a Mersey steamer!"
By Jacinda
Waving A Chipolata In The Mersey Tunnel
The sexual act, when performed with a woman of generous genital proportions. Or a man of diminutive proportions. Or both.

She was so loose I thought I'd have to strap a board across my arse to stop myself falling in. It was like waving a chipolata in the Mersey Tunnel.
By Chrystel