Define Mitzi Meaning

Street name for 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine, more commonly known as Ecstasy. Called Mitzi's because variants of the tablets were manufactured with a Mitsubishi Logo on them.

Not as dangerous as widely believed as long as you don't abuse it. In 2001 in the UK 56 people died in the UK from estimated 500,000+ tablets consumed each weekend (36 million per anum). Paracetamol caused more than 400 deaths and alcohol related deaths were counted as 5,543. official government figures.

Q: What have you had?
A Two mitzi's and half a gram of coke
By Ethel
One of the best cats in Animal Crossing WW

Mitzi's leaving town? I must stop her!
By Madlin
short for the famous ecstacy and PMA tablet the mitsubishi.

here mate have you got any of those mitzi's
By Janot
Is really cute girl and loves to laugh! She doesn’t believe in love but she will find herself some hotties 😂 she is really picky in who she likes. She loves to laugh and will even make you laugh! But she can be a bitch when she wants to be ! She has that face that says don’t mess with me !!! But once you get to know her you will love her !

I want me a Mitzi!
By Charlena
The true definition of beautiful: the name Mitzi is often used to name only the most pretty girls. Mitzi is the true definition of a 10/10

By Nelie
A Mitzi is a person who does not sleep, or sleeps very little or with an irregular sleep schedule.

Ikr, she’s such a Mitzi!”
By Lilias

-woah shes hot
-yer she is, her name is mitzy!
By Fionna
The girl-next door whose laugh just brightens any mood and warms your heart. A true optimist though she can get very blue when it comes to love. She truly gives her whole heart to her significant other, her family, and her friends. She is always seeking ways to help people. She’s smart and funny, considers herself a sexy nerd, likes laughing, the outdoors, and loves animals. A wonderful cook who likes to experiment with new creations to share with friends and colleagues. She doesn't know how to cook for just two, but instead always cooks for an army. Lucky friends. She loves to dance in the rain, cozy up by a warm fire, or play in the ocean waves. Nature calms her.

You have such a Mitzie heart. You really outdid yourself with your kindness.

She was so glad that she had a Mitzie outlook on life...she could bounce back from anything.
By Wrennie
A beautiful woman with large eyes and an even larger heart. Very caring and giving to all the lucky people she loves. She’s smart and funny, likes laughing, shiny things, art, and adding flavors to soda. She loves animals and enjoys a good doggie pile. One of the best cooks in the world she loves to feed lots of people, perhaps she missed her calling. Unlucky in love affairs but will eventually find someone who adores her and has tattoos and a motorcycle. Has many wonderful friends who would do anything for her.

oh! I bet that guy with the tattoos and motorcycle dates a Mitzi.

You got me the sweetest and most thoughtful gift! You're such a Mitzi!
By Alejandra
Someone who will never stop until she’s satisfied. Mitzys usually are extremely passionate and adorable. They are sometimes aggressive but it’s the kind. Everyone wants a girl like Mitzy.

Damn Mitzy bad asf, but she got a bighead. Jk😊
By Glenn