Define O-side Meaning

Oceanside, CA- a City in North County San Diego. Oceanside locals call it "O-side".

What up? Jus bickin' it in O-side.
By Neda
Oceanside, NY- A suburb east of NYC in Nassau County. Instead of saying Oceanside, the local druggie culture folks just call it O-side.

Where are you going to be tonight? I am going to be chillin in O-side.
By Robinett
Side O' Beef

LOOK, the Side O' Beef was tossed into the scooby mobile when she passed out at the curb!
By Mireille
O Side
Don’t come to o side(Basingstoke) unless you want to get chinged by Tommy with zombie knife, basically if you come to o side it’s full of roadman and people having fights.

By Goldarina