Define Oporto Meaning

Name, how the city of Porto - Portugal, is known in aviation.
In airport's screen you'll see Oporto or just OPO instead of Porto, as it should be.

Last call: Passengers on the flight to Oporto please board at gate 68.
By Virginie
Portugese flame grilled chicken and shit.
An Australian fastfood chain that originated in the famous beach suburb of Bondi, Sydney.

"Let's go get a chew at Oporto's."
By Lucina
The best chicken burgers you will taste in your lifetime. Hands down one of the greatest fast-food place in Australia

person 1: "you wanna go for oporto's?"
person 2: "i'm in the middle of sex with my girlfriend"
person 1: it is better than sex"
person 2:"ill be there in 5"
By Catina