Define Opsie Meaning

A word used by only nine year old's meaning humerously that someone has done something wrong, it can only be used by our god PewDiePie ONLY.

T Series Did An Opsie, Adolf Hitler Did An Opsie, Elon Musk DID A FUDGING OPSIE!!!!!!!
By Eleonore
The funniest and most active person among a group

Jennifer Anniston is the Opsy among her friends
By Bernardine
A major failure in operations spawning from poor engineering by cross-dressing asexual mutes with no imagination. Not to be confused with oopsie used by only nine-year-old to describe someone who has done something wrong,

After an opsie, that place is now a sinking ship.
By Crystal
bein able to visualize it.

Yo bro get the opsy on that line man. huck off the cliff, shoot through that chute, and spin it off the bank.

being able to see it... man thats ops man... ops.

i see that op bra, totally opsy... gotcha bra

ight see that ops? go for it bro
By Laverne
Opsie Wopsie
The intent to get mad a Call Of Duty in a female voice

By Rosalynd
Opsie Daisies
When one accidentally craps in one's pants after coughing or snezzing.

I was laughing so hard after the bosses funny joke that i had an opsie daisies
By Roobbie
something stupid that big people has done also the catchphrase of poppy harlow & gloria borger of pew news

"ninja did an opsie, allinity did an opsie, tekashi69 did an opsie"
By Raine
A collosal failure in automation efforts designed by cross-dressing asexual mutes. Not to be confused with oopsie, a work commonly used by nine-year-olds to describe a fund mistake.

After the opsie, that place is a sinking ship
By Em