Define Pd Meaning

abbreviation for police department.

By Katharina
It is an italian acronym which means "porco dio", frequently used in chat room or text.

Mario, dovv'รจ la bamba pd!?
By Emilee
it means "Porco Dio!!", Curse word used many times in Italian, it's used to offend "god" or "lord", the translation in English could be: "omfg" or "fucking god", but in Italian it literally means: "God is a pig" or "Pig God", sometimes the "pig word" can be replaced with any other animal, the dog it's used more often.

porco dio (pd) ho perso di nuovo! -> omfg (which could significate pd) i lost again!
By Julie
Perfect Dark. Great fps stretching the limits of the N64.

Who's up for some pd?
By Tammara
An abbreviation for "Pixel Dating"

This is a common way to advance yourself in a game or other online activity without doing much, if any, work.

Dude I pd'd this bitch and she got me 99 cooking!
By Lissa

He get's all the hunnies. He must be a PD.
By Nissy
Public Defender. An attorney appointed to represent a defendant who cannot afford to hire private counsel.

"I want me a real lawyer, not a PD."
By Alexi

By Vania
Pussy deficient. Someone who is not getting much sex or is a virgin.

See that guy over there he is so PD it is not even funny. The only sex he gets is with Rosy and her five sisters.
By Gertie
short way of saying principles detention,

oh shit i got a pd afta skool sum1 wait 4 me
By Rodi