Define Poach Meaning


Don poached my girl, so now they're going out and I'm single.
By Elysha
Where, within a commission sales environment, a commission sales person steps into a sale OR takes the sale from a non-commission paid employee, thus recieving all commission credit from the sale.

"Will Doo, i'm poaching the deal on that fuck'n big screen you assclown! Oh, by the way, what's your sister doing this weekend?"
By Brana
To take a coworker's lunch from the communal refrigerator.

That little shit-weasel Raymond better not poach my fucking tuna sandwich again.
By Ricki
In snowboarding terms, sneaking up the chair lift without a ticket or pass.

"Tickets are too expensive, I'd rather poach the lifts or hike the park."
By Jan
Snowboarding term: to board in fresh, untouched powder.

Yo Phat Man! I be poachin' duh pow-Der while you jiss ridin' duh chair.
By Glynnis
Taking something that simply is not yours. Usually for a limited time only, like

"Yo, I'll be in Orlando this weekend, can I poach your couch?"
By Jessalin
to borrow with no intent of returning usually a small insignificatn item such as a cig or small coin

can I poach a smoke?
By Kelli
Actually this term was defined when my friend left his hamburger on the table and left the room while we were watching a show on Poaching. I then took it, bit it, and said hah poached. From then on it expanded.

If you had a great meal you were poaching. If you stole a seat,girl,meal, whatever, you poached it.If you planned on going to relax then you were going to poach. The term quickly spread through my friends who then moved out of NY spreading it even faster. This was over 11 yrs ago.
By Rosalynd
To hire a worker away from a competitor

Wow, ABC research firm just poached our best programmer.
By Kenna
To flirt or hit on someone.

Yo, lets hit up the pool for some cheeky late night poachin'!
By Merrily