Define Prive Meaning

Slang term for privates; in reference to text messaging/dick pics/nudes.

Kyle sent Britney a text of his prives.
By Margaretha
When someone absconds with items for your lunch, opens up your candy, or takes whatever tasty treat you have brought to work for yourself

Eric: What happened to the crackers I left on the table?
Patty: You've been prived.
By Etheline
Priveness. A mixup of business and private life due to work at home situations.

Awwwww man picked my nose again in front of everyone in the fucking meeting. Fucking Priveness!
The starting of a videocall not realizing one is still wearing its bathrobe and dirty undies, classic Priveness.

"Kid walks in during a meeting and decides to take a shit on the floor" because Priveness.
By Malinde
a toxic wasteland located in Edmonton full of barely legal high school kids. warning: they will try to take ur money

By Eva
2 much sleep 💤

Jalyn is “Sleep Over-Prived”
By Aline