Define Psychobilly Meaning

old school rockabilly meets punk, without all the political stuff.

By Katine
An eclectic genre of music- a combination of rockabilly, horror punk, punk, goth rock, blues, and bluegrass- mixed with other elements as well. Psychos can be identified by their unnatural, perverse love of old b-rated horror films and their rocking sense of style.

By Nicolle
Psychobilly is what evolved when rockabilly (thought to have been originally invented by either Carl Perkins or Elvis Presley, being hillbilly style rock and roll) met punk. The band who coined the term was The Meteors, one member being of the punk subculture, one of the rockabilly subculture and the third being an extreme horror movie fan. They are an example of the psychobilly trio (bass, guitar, drums). Psychobilly is strictly a-political (no political references) and is characterised to use stand up bass (also called the double bass). Psychobilly kids are characterised to dress like greasers/punks, have a psychobilly quif (shaved at the back and the sides), a pompador, or a horshoe quif (where a piece in the middle is shaved making it into a horshoe shape when looked at at birdseye view) and are usually covered in tattoos. The girls commonly look like a punkified version of Betty Page or other comon 50's icons. Psychobilly has a strong link with vintage horror movies. Zombies are also closely linked with the psychobilly culture, with many of it's members desperately wanting to be zombies. A lot of pschobilly kids are said to be dirty or greasy, this, however, is often not true.

Kim Nekroman, P. Paul, Wolf, Simon, Geoff, Patricia, Nick 13

Psychobilly is all around. Come with us. People walk afriad. Maybe we'll kill someone. And eat his brain.
By Milka
actually to add to the term Psychobilly....The term was not first mentioned by the Meteors as in the above mentioned. It was first spoken of in "One Piece at a Time" by the great Johnny Cash....a true Psychobilly/Rockabilly King!

taken from the spoken dialogue at the end of "One Piece at a Time" by Johnny Cash:

"Uh hey there Red-Rider....This is the Cotton-Mouth in the Psychobilly Cadillac, come on....huh??"
By Tomasine
a movement that originated in England during the 1980's. ex punks, teds, skinheads and scooterboys with flat top haircuts dyed bright colours playing very fast Rockabilly with a very English Garage Punk influence. The movement was very popular amongst scooterists and punk rockers. Nowadays it has become more associated with heavy metal and gothic influences and is popular around the world

Those psychobilly crazies have shat on my lawn again
By Roanne
A genre of music that kicks fucking ass! Ususally a mix between rockabilly and punk with death influenced lyrics.

If you dont listen to psychobilly your a fucking queef douche sucker because psychos are fucking radical!
By Doralia
take rockabilly, which is rock'n'roll oldschool style plus hillbilly. add rockabilly toghether with punk. pscyho right? yeah, you fucker, mathamatically speaking-
(rock'n'roll + hillbilly)+punk= psychobilly

the nekromantix, tiger army, horrorpops, los gatos locos, hellcats, kings of nuthin, lonesome kings, heartbreak engines, cramps (sometimes), KICK ASS. tripped out pmpadour-hawks.
By Zarah
A subculture. The music is crunchy punk with an upright bass. Often contains horror themes. Followers are a dirtier version of rockabilly kids, with more tattoos and more piercings and a meaner sneer.

He's so psychobilly beceause he has '57 hearse and doesn't change his underwear!
By Shandra
a great genre of music that is too fast and dark to be rockabilly and a little too country to be punk. Not all psychos are dirty and have lots of tattoos but a lot do... Think Nekromantix, Tiger Army, Horrorpops and much more and you too will understand.

Kim Nekroman is a GOD. That upright base makes him hot. Greasers till we die. The Nekronauts will invade you too.
By Gae
A long dead British genre of music combining rockabilly and 80's garage trash with B-movie, horror and zombie theatrics. The Meteors claimed to be the only true psychobilly band despite their ditching of the revered double bass. Other example are the Guana Batz, Krewmen, Quakes, Demented Are Go, Skitzo and the Coffin Nails.
Klub Foot was the venue to go to.

A fan of such music characterized by the mutating of a traditional rockabilly pomp into a zombified quiff, shaved to the bone at the back and sides. Sometimes with a shaved section on top which left a horseshoe quiff.

~Only the Meteors are pure Psychobilly.
~Hmmm, bit of a childish attitude there.
By Pavia