Define Pumpy Meaning


Big Shaq: Hold tight asznee, he's got the pumpy
By Clovis
Pump-action shotgun.

Big Shaq: Hold tight Asznee, he's got the pumpy (BIG TING)
By Andi
Derivation: Chinese, word for "pang pi", meaning "fat ass". In English generally used to convey ripply fat or excessive fat on a human body.

She has pumpy thighs.
By Florentia

Your pooter just made a nasty pumpy!
By Betsey
A lanky bastad. Has orange hair. The most pesimistic bastad in the world. Usually has pumpernickel seeds in his teeth... even though pumpernickel doesnt have seeds... It was actually poppy seeds but it came out wrong.

Pumpy!!!!! Whats in your teeth????? Why are you so boring?
By Corabel
An item that is very pulpous and preferably orange colored. It is usually one of many species that can be bought in the masses during Halloween time at the local Superstore. It is merely the inedible imitation of the real thing.

This pumpy is soooo soft! It's even got the face and the vines and everything!
By Clarey

"He's got the pumpy" -Big shaq
By Jessy
A rather gigantic young man with humongous pectoral muscles made quasi-famous on a popular blog about douchebags and the hot chicks that for some reason gravitate towards their metrosexual preening and faketannedness.
He was known for his look of sheer blankness and his propensity to firmly grasp the mammary glands of his women in public whilst having their picture taken, before his untimely death.

I know Pumpy, and you sir are no Pumpy!

By Tamra
A pump-action shotgun

By Merrili
Really awesome, legendary and mythical. Rumored to be Assyrian kid from Chicago.

By Risa