Define Reality Tv Meaning

Reality Tv
Shit that's faker than Pam Anderson's titties and more fixed than pro wrestling!

By Gerta
Reality Tv
Shows that get their entertainment value from the fake suffering of the cast members going through "real life" situations that never happen in the first place.

By Vanya
Reality Tv
I'm not sure if it's TV, but I'm sure that whoever came up with the idea needs to be taken out and shot. Repeatedly.

He watched reality TV and lost his IQ in the process.
By Caprice
Reality Tv
The reason why God will one day regret having created humans and destroy us all.

By Garnette
Reality Tv
You can watch as the western world culture declines and cheapens. How long can you watch people on an island and still be entertained by it?

Reality TV is slowly taking over the airwaves while good programming like "ren and stimpy" is nearly impossible to find.
By Kattie
Reality Tv

Aliens will never visit earth because they will see our reality tv shows and think we're all dumbasses who need to be killed.
By Hettie
Reality Tv
possibly the worst advent in television since pro wrestling. Basically an excuse for Fox TV to only have to spend $30,000 dollars on random street folk and a handycam, so they can tape for twelve hours and get ridiculously high ratings, turning a large profit in the process-originated with shows like COPS, and Candid Camera, and eventually degraded itself to shit like "The Simple Life," "Joe Millionare," and most recently and disgustingly, "The Swan"

"Rupert Murdoch is a walking, talking asshole who uses human degradation to add to his pile of blood-money."
By Sacha
Reality Tv
the programs run by fox television corparation, cbs, nbc, and any other worthless piece of crap that the majority of americans worship. complete waste of time as the consumer watches it only then giving more money to people who are too rich already and giving fake political candidates, such as Bush, more power in sponsorships. has no relation to reality in any way. DONT WATCH!!!!!!

Don't watch reality tv, it corrupts the minds and is what gives all Americans a bad name in Europe.
By Ulrike
Reality Tv
T.V shows that show real people doing what real people really would never do!

People being "stranded" on an island with fifteen other people and have to do challenges so you don't get "voted off"!
By Tamarah
Reality Tv
Like all forms of TV (except legitimate sports), reality TV is scripted. Oh, the dialogue may be improvised but the situations are scripted... CBS knows who's gonna win "Survivor" before they even film it!

The first season of "The Real World" (back in 1992) may not have been scripted... but every single so-called reality TV show since then was! You think Viacom or News Corp or Disney or General Electric is gonna finance a show if it ain't a sure thing?

I think we should combine a few reality TV shows. Let's broadcast the true story of 16 sorority girls (ages 18 to 23) picked to live on a tropical island who are competing for the affections of a wealthy, handsome bachelor...

By Latashia