Define Recap Meaning

waking up in the morning after drinking all night to a terrible hangover, grabbing a glass of water & some food, laying in your roommates' beds/living room trying to put the pieces back together on what happened the night before

"I feel like shit...everyone is coming over to recap though, I can't miss it."
By Lydie

The recap of the situation was not needed. I've hear enough about it already.
By Torey
To re-cap or put a cap back on a bottle.

Recap that brandy, it'll go flat!
By Kata

Can you recap the race? I left in the middle of it.
By Fayina
Adding more weed to a previously-hit bowl.

"Dude, this bowls almost dead and it tastes like ass. Wanna do a recap?
By Cristy
Hermitcraft Recap
This is a YouTube channel which recaps hermitcraft and what happens throughout the week

By Pepita
Sunday Recap
Having a convesation between two people to recall the events of the Epic Saturday Night Before.

Danielle: I am in much need of a Sunday Recap.

Katie K: Ditto. the random club bracelets on my floor need some explanation.
Danielle: We went to more than One?
Katie K: I dotn even remember going out.
katie k & danielle: sunday recap much needed
By Linzy
Recap Titties
The nudity that occurs during the recaps of a Showtime or HBO television show. Usually lasting for a couple seconds before the episodes begin, Recap Titties give the hope that there will be some legitimate sexual content in the episode. In reality, if there's nudity in the recap, there most likely won't be some in the episode.

This isn't nudity, just some recap titties.
By Marti
Recap Handitard
recap handitard,
a mix between the words, "retard" and "handicapped"
definition: a funny way to slag recap handitards and deformed people

Shop attendant:"wha can i get you?"
wheelchair man:"bottle of coke please"
{shop attendant pushes wheel man out of chair}
By Sybille
Post-tap Recap
an in-depth debriefing of the previous night's sexual escapades

"Vintage, you get some last night? Let me get that post-tap recap son!"
By Maria