Define Rgs Meaning


rgs is short for regards
By Jannel
Stands for RiceGum Squad. Dedicated ricegum fans who don't give a shit.

By Florinda
ranked game

used when asking your friends to play a ranked match with them for a higher chance of winning. It is way shorter than using the two words. Used by those addicted to MLBB (Mobile Legends: Bang Bang) asking for a ranked match all the time.

Filipino: Tara RG!
English: Let's do RG!
By Vonni
An internet chat abbreviation for "retarded giggles"; applicable when reading a message and in stead of 'laughing out loud', you let out a short, obnoxious, manatee-sounding laugh. An 'RG' can also be considered such if the person tilts there head back in laughter, appearing to unhinge their jaw from hysteria.

Instant Message conversation:

Adam:...although now i just remembered we were c-sectioned...seasectioned...seesectioned...ceesectioned...idk how to spell it so i'm giving multiple ways

Alex: RG... i just choked on skittle

Adam: your giggles are always retarded
By Odessa

By Marillin
The elite of the elite. So much better than the other girls schools (e.g. Chatham Grammar, Fort Pitt, Invicta). Even tho the teachers are shit, we still achieve difficult things.

"Woah that girl is so amazing and talented!"
"Oh her, yeah she goes RGS"
By Fanny
A being who takes the dark path of gaming.

"FGS, i have to play rtcw, FGS, my gf says i hav to FGS"
By Dallas
General term for some who slays super hard, usually anonymously and online, and collects wives without even one dowry.

That guy RG'd so hard on yik yak!

Damn, I wish I could RG is hard as James!
By Shaina
RG , The initials of a small sophisticated sex-robot send back in time by (National Anal Sex Association) NASA To have sex with older women than him,particuarly Retired "Grandmothers" and cause havoc to the wild gardens of Danderhall.Shouting often offenctive lanuage.Normally in the accent of an african american
Often spends his days going to the local shop for a chore.
But don't get distracted by his action figure size height as he is very agressive and over much time as formed an alliance with Andehh.

Often pronounced Arr-Gee

"Oh look theres an RG,Look at his package!"
"Don't worry its only sweets down there, Hes coming out of the shop!"
By Moyna
A slang word used to describe someone that has an extremely large, and hairy penis.

Susan, last night Dan fucked me. I was surpised to see that he is rg
By Penny