Define Ripeness Meaning

The odor radiating off your stank ass body when you spend all day studying constitutional law.

Dang, man, I just aced my practice exam, but it took me all day to master and I haven't showered in 48 hours. My ripeness is strong.
By Brier
Be Positive
Embrace Constant Growth and Development

Remain Humble
Integrity First
Passionate about People
Everything is Figure-out-able

BE RIPE and make it a great day!
By Kris
1. Fully developed; mature
2. Sufficiently advanced in preparation or aging to be used or eaten
3. Fully prepared to do or undergo something; ready

Commonly used to describe fruit, it can also be used to describe girls and their assets.

By Corinna
Ready to fuck. Typically applies to girls who just turn 18.

When Helen became ripe on her birthday, she knew what to do.
By Matilde
When something smells really really bad.

My God that winds ripe.
By Claudette
At the perfect place of developed and fresh

That idea was ripe. His new rhymes are ripe.
By Danya

jesus tamika... those pants are ripe girl! where you get 'em?!
By Bree

Skyeesha's pussy is ripe as fuc
By Missie
The best way to say something is neat-o, awesome, or swell. The phrase "ripe" is very relaxed, never goes out of style, and people will never laugh at you for using it, very convenient for people like me who don't care about what's "in."

Mitchell: Hey man, i found a dog in the basement downstairs!
Oliver: Thats so ripe man!

Simeon: Thinking about doing some burnouts down the road.
Brendan: Sounds ripe man! Lets do this together.
By Ardelia
another term for stinky or nasty

the hamper is prety ripe
By Gale