Define Rousse Meaning


hey, that rouss was AMAZING!
By Daniele
Name is a trick in itself; sounds like it should be ruse but it's actually pronounced Rowz. Never trust a girl named this.

Guy: So what's your name?
Girl: *French accent* It's Rousse.
Guy: Oh, that's a nicely common name, Rose.
Friend of guy: Oh no no, she's French, it's not the name you think it is.

Guy: You sure fooled me!
Rousse: *won't be the last time...*
By Georgie
A small, spherical creature with two pointed ears and a happy face. Often doodled by bored people. There are many forms of rousse. Examples: Big Rousse, Thin Rousse, Rousse in the mirror.
Can also be used to stress the importance of a promise ie. Rousse promise.

Pronounced: Row (rhymes with wow) s.

Jesus: What the fuck are you drawing?
Mary: Its a Rousse...
Jesus: What Rousse?
Mary: A Rousse in the mirror.

John: I have a secret
Jane: OOh tell me :)
John: Rousse promise..?
Jane: I Rousse promise not to tell anyone!
By Phelia
De Rousse
an ugli monkey who eats snot

By Star