Define Shadowbane Meaning

Another MMORPG, only this one appeals to the darker, or wannabe goth kids or people.

Every Shadowbane server is named after an emotion of strife.
By Marjy
A horribly confusing game with no real "path" to follow while training. It's hard to stick to after playing past the first town.

I liked Shadowbane until I got out of the first town.
By Clarey
Banning a user from a web forum in such a way that the banned user is unaware of the ban. Usually takes the form of showing that user's posts/profile/etc. only to that user; other users never see them. Considered underhanded chicken-shit behavior.

Fark has turned into a bunch of shadowbanning pricks.
By Verile
Being banned from a social media platform, such as Instagram, in a way that you're content is invisible to everyone else, and therefore you barely get any views or likes. This is because they're too pussy to let you know you're being banned.
It usually happens for no reason at all and there's nothing you can do about it except wait for a couple of days.

Goddamn it I can't believe I got shadowbanned on Instagram! What a bunch of pussies. Remove the shadowban!!
By Cammy
MMORPG with an amazing PvP system, completely dominating every other MMO on the market. Ruined by shoddy programming and terrible customer support. If you decide to play then prepare to weep.

I had fun playing Shadowbane until I crashed 3 times in 10 minutes.
By Jacklin
When totalitarian entities use automated algorithms in social media to 'back page' or make content or users no longer findable

These bans are usually set in place to prevent quality content such as criticism, investigative methods or political commentating

Has anybody noticed that conservative and conspiracy media is being ShadowBanned?

I can tell by going to YouTube statistics sites that my views are not being shown for what they actually are, we're being ShadowBanned folks while van life gets artificial growth
By Halley
A method of banning users where their posts are visible only to them. Created to prevent spammers, trolls, and flamers from realizing they have been banned and creating new accounts.

Considered underhanded chicken-shit behavior by trolls who hate being trolled.

I’ve been posting right-wing crap all over the forum, but no one is biting. I think I’ve been shadowbanned.
By Netti
A Shadowban is an excuse trolls and sad people use to justify why no one bothers to read, reply or like the content that they post online. They assume that it must be because their content is hidden from public view, in fact they're just boring.

I know for sure I've been shadowbanned because hardly anyone comments or likes my posts on Twitter. It's definitely a shadowban conspiracy because I know, I'm like, genius, and everyone would be amazed by my super-radical views.
By Codie
Being of poor or flimsy quality. Inferior, buggy, and unstable.

1. "I was playing the original pong, it reminded me how much better it is than Shadowbane."
2. "Wtf you playing? That looks almost as shitty as Shadowbane."
3. "Look, I made a program that sorts my phone numbers alphabetically, I have more skills than a Shadowbane programmer."
4. "Oh noess, I hit a dog with my car. I pulled a Shadowbane :("
By Gui
In PC or Console gaming, this is when those who are caught cheating, hacking, or modding, are still allowed to play the game, but are placed on servers that only contain other cheaters, hackers, and/or modders. An example of a developer using this practice would be the Dark Souls Franchise.

I modded my weapon to do extra damage in Dark Souls, I got caught and now I've been shadowbanned.
By Lynde