Define Skip Ad Meaning

Skip Ad
A button you press so that you dont have to waste your time of watching the damn ad

Me: Im going to press skip ad
By Felecia
Skip Ad
A button you sometimes have to thank YouTube for adding

This ad always comes up :(
Thank goodness there’s a skip add button on each one :)
By Edyth
Ad-skip Assistant
Refers to a fellow human whom you assign to click out of commercials that often randomly appear during YouTube videos; this would be for periods of time when you are unable to operate the mouse/touch-pad yourself, such as when you have to take a dump but don't wanna pause the interesting video you were watching, but instead want to keep listening to the presentation while you're pooping. Having this other person skip over the ads for you ensures that you won't have to teeth-grindingly suffer through many minutes of boring ads while you sit on da crapper waiting for the program to resume. This can work best for largely-speech-based videos such as tech-subject lectures/documentaries, where you don't need to always watch the screen to enjoy the program.

I'm on SSI Disability, so I often spend much of my time at home; occasionally my also-unemployed buddy owes me a few bucks, and so I "hire" him to come over each day and be my ad-skip assistant for a 25¢ credit per ad; he usually "pays off" his debt that way in just a couple weeks.
By Letti
"skip Ad" Cursor-hover
The well-known mouse-maneuver that you perform while impatiently waiting to watch a YouTube video. As soon as your desired video loads up on the screen, you immediately zip your cursor over to the "you can skip ad in __ seconds" and breathlessly wait for the seconds-ticker to count down to "0" and switch to "skip ad".

Nowadays, YouTube makes us "suffer 'n' simmer" through **two** boring commercials --- instead of just one --- before our requested video starts, and so we haft do da "skip ad" cursor-hover **twice** before we get to view da precious video dat we went on YouTube to watch --- and no, Toyota; dis is NOT "dat one time dat we like da fifteen-second ad better than da video dat follows"! What a loada bull-crap --- for your info, we **never** like ANY of da 0%!$@# YouTube ads, no matter WHAT they're about!
By Gabey