Define Smalltalk Meaning

A completely Object Oriented (OO) language that was created to be as easy as smalltalk (chit-chat). In actuality, it's the programmer's bane, driving otherwise sane individuals, particularly college students who take Smalltalk classes, to bouts of heavy drinking, depression, and in some cases, suicidal tendencies.

Student 1 - "Why oh why do we have to take smalltalk?"
Student 2 (Whilst drinking heavily from a handle of rum) - "Because those fuckers won't bloody well let us take C++ which would actually be practical!"
By Lolly
Sales pitch of anti-depressant salesmen aimed at this thinking man.

Saleswoman "Did you see big brother last night?"

Homo Sapiens"Groan Don't make with the smalltalk."
By Lorenza
One of the most beautiful OO languages ever created. Runs in an image in a virtual machine and so, in some sense, has been running since its inception in the late 70s/early 80s.

Hands-down the most expressive OO language in existence - average internal method size as of 2007: 6.5-ish lines.

Best IDE: Cincom Smalltalk

Transcript show: 'Hello, world!'.
By Genna

I like programming in Smalltalk.
By Thomasina