Define Steward Meaning

In charge of everything. Very cocky person. Also thinks they own the world. Thinks he is good looking. Is the definition of childish

ugly is Steward
By Sula
Stewards School
A chavvy school that acts asif they are some sort of private grammar school, Mrs Erwood the head of this chav school can be found in her room full of frogs.

The chav capital of the worlds chavviest school. (Stewards School
By Corabella
Bar Steward
A way of gettin away with calling someone a bastard in polite company, like in front of your Mum.

He's a complete Bar Steward!
By Goldia
Shop Steward
A officer in a union, whose job it is to enforce a union contract, in addition to his regular job, with no extra pay. Viewed by the employer as a "socialist puke", by lazy co-workers as a company sellout, and by everyone else as insane.

The shop steward is a fucking communist, we should fire his ass.

I called in sick 15 times this month because I was hung over, and the shop steward didn't do shit about it when I got fired.
By Corene
1. Someone who works in a bar.
2. A polite way of saying bastard.

1. Go and ask the bar-steward for another drink, will you?

2. Duck off you bar-steward.
By Cortney
Avery Steward
Kind, loving, fun to be around, funny, a good friend, and really good at sports.

Man did you see that avery steward?
By Basia
Mrs. Steward
An ugly person that cant do nothing but ride her dads dick and do math but she hates nate so yeah im pretty sure she fucks nate at night I think she is a man

By Bunny
Steward School
A private school in Richmond VA that all the kids who couldn’t get into schools, such as saint Christopher’s or saint Catherine’s, go. Steward kids love to crash parties for schools like trinity episcopal and stc. They are typically seen with freeman highschool kids, because both of these schools love marijuana. Steward consists of about 50% potheads 40% complete assholes and 10% decent people. Steward is also fairly decent in most sports regardless of its udder lack of social skills.

A typical conversation between steward kids:
Steward school kid: “Hey man are you going to that trinity party on Saturday, I heard there’ll be HELLA alc”
Other TSS kid: “Idk man I already planned a smoke sesh with the crew”
By Neysa
Asia Steward
A girl who is a lover, not a fighter, cares for her family, enjoy's horror movies, and can sometimes be vicious if crossed

It was very Asia Steward of you
By Anatola
Steward Milang
Very cocky person, childish
Really think that he own the world, smile outside but piss off outside,
Hard to obey a simple rules, pretend to be nice but just a wolf in a sheep coat,

Friend 1:"steward milang sure is arrogance and irritating me i dont even know why?!

Friend 2:but he do have some weak points right?

Friend 1:he totally different when we in flight isnt it?
By Shauna