Define Thu Meaning

A charming tiny lady, usually very friendly and always smiling.

She always gets invited because she's such a thu!
By Libbey
This person probably is a short Asian but she cute,beautiful,funny and just the best person to be around with

By Berni
(thu-with unvoiced "th", as in "thought"; precede by "super-" for added emphasis): an insult made unique by the fact that it is most often uttered in an extended whisper, and not audible by its target. A thu is any person who is engaging in an activity that makes onlookers roll their eyes, or that should be (but usually isn't) causing the perpetrator embarrassment. Similar in meaning but less pejorative than dumbass.

(A man is juggling loose oranges at the grocery store, dropping one occasionally, picking it up, and resuming.)

Passer-by, under his breath: "Thuuuuuuuu"
By Susanne
describes a negative acknoledgement

kid #1... Hey can u hnad me the rmote control.
kid#2... Thu.(as he walks away or turns his head)
By Christen
used in place of The, to show gender as in the French le or la

I am going to Thu Cancun, I am Thu Pape Dawg!
By Anthe
A really hot girl, typically Asian who loves hurting boys. She plays an instrument, does sports (mainly basketball) and hangs out with guys. She hates when people mispronounce or misspell her name because the real pronunciation is pronounced like the number two. She makes guys fall for her by looking at them. She is very morbid and loves video games and can be really bitchy at times.

That girl is so hot she must be a Thu!
By Dody
1. (used to introduce a logical conclusion) from that fact or reason or as a result
2. In the way indicated

By Justina
Thu is an awesome Asian who will give you a serious face but it could be scary sometimes but she is a good friend.

By Kit
A girl that is so smart and cute. She's really popular. She makes all the boys fall in love with her just by looking at them. She hates it when someone say her name wrong because her sound like the number two. Doesn't want anyone to know her middle name, some people say her last name wrong. Have a lot of friends. The cutest girl in the world.

"Thu just look at me, I think I fall in love with her"-boys
By Leah
A totally pretentious way of saying that a fact will follow or has preceded a statement. Typically used so a writer can sound more intelligent than they actually are.

Thus, Luke Skywalker defeated his father in a lightsaber duel and Anakin Skywalker threw the Emperor down the reactor shaft of the Death Star, thus ending the tyranny of the Empire, thus setting the stage for the New Republic.
By Lorne