Define Watkinson Meaning

A private school in Hartford, CT with a good arts program.

Populated by a percentage of emo kids, indie kids, artsy kids, anime kids, dorks, musicians, theater geeks, and weirdos, most everyone at Watkinson has a reason for being there, some kind of odd secret.

Joel- Where do you go to school?
Sav- In Hartford.

Joel- What school?
Sav- Um, Watkinson.
Joel- Oh.... (looks away)
By Blancha
Frances Watkinson
Dame Allan's Girl. Frances is very pretty, and has great musical skill, along with a very nice, tight, little ass.

"Look at Frances up on stage!"
"Yeah, and check out that ass!"
By Yelena
Watkinson School

Lou- I go to Watkinson School.
Mike- Where??
By Margarete
Watkinson School
A small private school in Hartford with a good creative arts program. Located adjacent to the University of Hartford, Watkinson seniors sometimes take classes there.

Tom- I'm a senior at Watkinson School.

Chris- Cool! Do you take a UHart class?

Tom- Nah, my grades aren't good enough.

Chris- What a waste of an opportunity.
By Zuzana