Define White People Shit Meaning

White People Shit
Also known as "WPS". Usually associated with extreme sports, activity with dangerous animals, or large acts of terrorism.

Tyrone: "What are you doing?"

Blake: "Prepping for this wingsuit course I'm going to take off the crest of Mount Everest. You should come!"

Tyrone: "Naw man. That's some white people shit.
By Hana
White People Shit
When someone does something that gloriously confirms or exhibits a stereotype of someone who is white or otherwise very pale.

You see Joe in those pleated khakis? That's some white people shit.
By Eveleen
W.P.S. (White People Shit)
Some dumbass shit that only white people would do.

Climb mountains, horse back riding, the economy, KKK, incest, hockey, Family Guy, Republicans, bear hunting, hunting in general, pick up trucks, white jesus, rock music, country music, wale hunting, baked chicken, the show jackass, beer games, bro rape, are all examples of w.p.s. (white people shit).
By Farrand
Weird White People Shit

there was a video of nicholas knowles doing weird white people shit
By Mariele