Define Whoop-dee Meaning

An old car of very low value that is viewed as disposable.

He laughed when the muffler fell off his whoop-dee.
By Farica
Whoop Dee Doo
A sarcastic way to express joy or pleasure, when truly your feeling the exact opposite.

Him: So what? We played a video game for four hours straight, and achieved nothing but a headache and a worthless achievement. Whoop Dee Doo.
By Pamella
Whoop-dee-whoop & What Not
a term used in place of describing all the parts of the equasion in ones story.

"i was at this party gettin ill, when i met this fly honey and took her back to my place whoop-dee-whoop & what not next mornin she's makin me eggs son, word" also known as yadda-yadda-yada,or this, that, and the other
By Mada
Whoop Dee Doo
An ironic exclamation of approval or pleasure in an event in which the observer is actually bored or unimpressed.

Him: Hey! If we hurry and get back to my place by eleven, we can still catch The Simpsons!

Her: Whoop Dee Doo!!
By Kandy
An ironic exclamation used to express a complete lack of interest and/or enthusiasm.

Similar to, though more subtle than, "Who gives a fuck?"

Paul: "Rob Schneider's got a new movie coming out!"
Beverly: "Oh, really? Whoop-dee-shit!"
By Joela
Whoop Dee Do

When someone says something and you laugh at them you say whoop dee do!!!!
By Chrystel
Whoop Dee Do
Whoop Dee Do is a term that is used when expressing sarcasm towards a certain event. For example, a bunch of people go crazy over a new pillow being promoted or some crap like that.

Or if a bunch of people went freakin' wild over a new pair of shoes. You probably wouldn't think of it as a big deal, because, well, it's just a pair of shoes. The same thing goes for pillows and other inanimate objects.

*At the mall, a bunch of people get excited as hell over a new mattress*

You: Well, whoop dee do, what's the big deal about a mattress? I mean, it's just a mattress, right?
By Vivyan
Whoop-dee Fucking-doo

Homie 1: “Finally got a BMW, shits all over your Holden Commodore

Homie 2: “Whoop-dee fucking-doo”
By Julieta
Whoop Dee Fucking Doo
another term for "I don't really give a shit" - meaning you don't really care

"Did you know that Sharons Mothers next door neighbours nephew won the Lottery?"

"Whoop Dee Fucking Doo!"
By Siouxie
A variation of whoopdeedoo, except a lot more harsh and sarcastic. When someone says something that has no point whatsoever use this word. This word is pronouced the way it is written.

"I have a dollar" says Vincent
"Whoop-dee-fucking-doo" says Patrick
By Jeane