Define Wir Meaning


This article dated 25th Dec 1998 was actually WIR at a later date.
By Katherina
When It's Ready. Often used as a reply on the internet when people ask for release dates!

Dood: When will Opera 10 be released?
Me: WIR!
By Roselia
"Wrong Initial Reaction". When someone looks good from far away, and the closer he or she gets, the more hideous he or she gets.

Manuel - "Man, that chica looks hot"
Raul - "WIR, you dork, she aint hot...she's a dog!"
By Annamaria
Wir Sind Helden
a kick ass german band. only well known in mostly German und
Austria. they were famous from their awesome signal "Guten Tag"

me: oh man dude u hear that new song from "wir sind helden"?
you: naw, wtf is wir sind helden
me: type in "guten tag" in youtube and you'll fall inlove with them!
you: wow the Helden chick is HOT!
By Valli
Wir Suchen Dich
German word which means "we're looking for you"

Usually used in job applications in Germany, the word has similar connotation to the English term "We're Suckin' Dick" and has been used in various memes.

Notable ones is the one located outside a Mcdonald's store in Germany with a lady face and the 3 words written below it. "Wir suchen DICH"

Me : Morning! What's up?

some German guys : wir suchen dich

Me : WHAT?

some german guys : WIR SUCHEN DICH!!!

Me : ok i guess wir suchen dich then, come let's go!
By Tiffy
Ich Wir Commen On Der Facen

By Kellina
Sie Sind Das Essen Und Wir Sind Die Jager
A German phrase from the anime Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin. It is said at the beginning of the anime's theme song, and has become popular.

It translates to:
1.You are the prey and we are the hunters.
2. Are you the prey? No, we are the hunters.

Person 1: Have you seen Attack on Titan?
Person 2: Oh yeah man, I love that anime!
Both (yelling loudly and in unison): SIE SIND DAS ESSEN UND WIR SIND DIE JAGER
By Gwennie
Sie Sind Das Essen Und Wir Sind Die Jager
"Sie sind das Essen und wir sind die Jäger" (please notice the Umlaut) is the catch phrase of the intro music of the famous Anime Attack on Titan.
As with many German lyrics in Japanese pop culture, the translation is not quite right.

Apparently, what the creators wanted to express is "they are the prey and we are the hunters". However, "Essen" literally translates to "food" and would never be used by a native speaker in this context. A better German word would be "Beute".

A: By any chance, do you watch Attack on Titan?
B: Sie Sind Das Essen Und Wir Sind Die Jager!
By Philippe
Sie Sind Das Essen Und Wir Sind Die Jaeger
A German phrase from the anime Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin. It is said at the beginning of the anime's theme song, and has become popular.

It translates to: They are the food (prey) and we are the hunters.
You are the prey = Du bist (singular) or Ihr seid (pl "y'all are) das Essen (undefined/non-specific/ "meal," may be incorrectly used in this case).

Person 1: Have you seen Attack on Titan?
Person 2: Oh yeah man, I love that anime!
Both (yelling loudly and in unison): SIE SIND DAS ESSEN UND WIR SIND DIE JAEGER!
By Harmonia
Sie Sind Das Essen Und Wir Sind Die Jager
The first line of the intro song to the Attack On Titan anime series.
Despite what the top definition says "Sie sind das Essen und wir sind die Jäger" really translates to:

"They are the food and we are the hunters."

Using 'Sie' as 'Du' is very very very formal and would never be used here and 'prey' would be 'die Beute' and can not be replaced by 'Essen'. Come on, get it right at least!

Person 2: Dude, you don't have to hunt your food...
By Lynnett