Define Y Helo Thar Meaning

Y Helo Thar
Why hello there. Ususally preceeding a proposal for anal sex.

y helo thar
buttsekz? LOLOL
By Casandra
Y Helo Thar
Common greeting by those seeking anal sex.

nublet: Yo
Steve: Y helo thar.
nublet: Stay back.
By Randene
Y Helo Thar
Originating from 4chan, this phrase is a popular internet meme meaning "why hello there" and followed by "buttsecks". Commonly used to mock AOL Kids in internet conversations.

By Lucia
Y Helo Thar
Stands for "Why Hello There." It is then followed up by the word "buttsecks" which is Internet slang for "anal sex."

It is greatly used on the WWEGSB.

New girl: Hello, I'm new to the WWEGSB. I'm a girl!

Random noob boys: y helo thar buttsecks
By Livy
Y Helo Thar
A BETTER way of saying "Why hello there." on the so called, internet.

y helo thar buttsecks?? lolol
By Corabella
Y Helo Thar, Butsecks? LOLOLOL
Phrase which originated from the "Attention Whore" animation.

Means "Hello, want to have anal sex?"

Currently a fad catchphrase on LUE.

LUEser: Y helo thar, butsecks? LOLOLOL
Woman: If you come near me again I'll fucking call the cops.
By Wilhelmina