Define Yassss Meaning

What a white girl says when she sees something she wants/likes

white girl: OMFG they have a Starbucks here! YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

omfg see other definition
By Margeaux
A more enthusiastic way of saying yes to something you really like.

"Do you like desserts such as Dobos Cake, Zserbó, Chimney Cake, Rigó Jancsi, and many more ?"
"Yassss! Diabeetus in my system!"
By Xaviera
A cringe replacement for yes. Just say yes, it's cringy.

Girl: Yassss!
Boy: *cringe*
Girl: What, Beyoncé released another album!
Boy: Just say yay, then..
By Alecia
It doesn't matter what it means, just don't say it. I was told to do this by the walking forehead.

White girl at Starbucks: Yasssss
Satan: you are mine now
By Marieann
Yassss is a word commonly used by basic white girls when they get starbucks.

"OMG starbucks!? YASSSSSS" or "Yasssss claires is having a sale!"
By Lise