Define Yp Meaning

The opposite of np for "no problem" in chat, text-messaging and IM shorthand. "yp" means "yes problem" and indicates annoyance at a request.

Text message: help me move this afternoon?
Reply: yp
By Anetta

yp is fat
By Rosemarie
An abbreviation for 'young punk', which are mostly adolescent Chinese tryhard gangsters who are characterized by playing loud, China EDM music while riding their e-scooter. The bane of singaporean society. Lowly educated and are probably unable to read this

By Gui

I don't understand your YPS.
By Elonore
Being single
Not having a girlfriend

My girlfriend left me, I'm yps again.
By Paloma
Young Potential. A girl who IT IS LEGAL to have sexual intercourse with but morally wrong. The potential is there, just lacking a few years of age from yours.

'ohhh spot of YP' *Dad is unaware of the passing comment*
By Andria
"your problem'
Not your concern

Your friend calls you in the middle of the night and has just ran out of gas. Your response is "Sounds like a YP to me!"
By Reggie

Eliza: Would you like some nutella and peanut butter thinly spread on a tortilla with a glass of milk and male strippers?

Alene: YP.
By Berty
"Yield Protection"; used to explain the effect seen in some college or graduate admissions departments where an applicant with extremely good credentials will be rejected or waitlisted, while seemingly less-qualified individuals will be presumptively accepted.

The theory is that by rejecting or waitlisting such applicants, the school's selectivity ranking is protected, and its US News and World Report ranking may be enhanced.

A: "I applied to a TTT but got rejected! But I was accepted to Harvard!"
B: "What were your numbers?"
A: "My LSAT was 178, GPA was 3.9."
B: "You got hit by YP, dude."
By Esther
Young Professional. One who is both young and has a white collar job.

I'd prefer to date a fellow YP but I'm down to clown with a McDs worker if I get free fries.
By Cindi