Define A Gay Baby Meaning

Gay Baby

By Ysabel
Gay Baby

Bob: "do you play Fortnite?"
Jim: "yes."
Bob: "You're a gay baby."
By Cairistiona
Gay Babies

Someone: Is Fortnite for Gay Babies?
Someone Else: Yes.
Someone: *looks up on Google: What game do gay babies play*
Google: Fortnite
Someone: Ok.
By Harriette
Gay Baby
Rumor has it that every time there is an awkward silence in a conversation, a gay baby is born.

Jimmy: Yeah so that is what I did with myself last night.

Sarah: Umm....

(Awkward Silence)

Jimmy: Gay Baby!!!!!
By Chantal
Gay Baby
Used to describe an arkward silence in conversation.

"Every Arkward silence, A gay baby is born" is how the saying supposedly goes.

"ooo, a gay baby was just born"
By Flo
Gay Babies
A Group or a Community that is made up of kids that play fortnite

"Did you know that Swagger Souls has Gay babies in his channel"
By Terrye
Gay Baby
Someone who has not gone through puberty and is gay

By Susanna
A Gay Baby
A whiney middle-aged man who still behaves like a baby.

Never gets any action and so is labelled Gay.

Spends most of his time in the Library or talking about how much he knows about Films and Cuisine.

He had only just returned from the library before he started whining about how Cinema wasn't what it used to be. The previous night he had tried to gnosh off a girl but had been rejected severely.

He was being a Gay Baby again.
By Jerrilee
Gay Baby

By Mildred
Gay Baby
when someone pees into the butt of someone else a gay baby is made. women can do it too using funnels.

dude, lauren had sex last night and had a gay baby.
By Brita