1. (Modern) Homosexual (usually male). The politically correct term for queer, or one who loves, sexually and romantically, members of their own sex.
2. (Douchebag lingo). Stupid, boring. (i.e. "
that's gay.")
3. (
Archaic) Happy, joyful.
Note: the second definition is considered highly offensive to LGBT community and their
allies. Use of the word 'gay' in this context really does make you a douche.
Person A:
I'm gay. I've always been attracted to men, and I have finally decided that there is no point staying in the closet because nothing can change who I am.
Person B: Good for you! :)
Douche A: Look at my new affliction shirt! My
old one was so gay, so I'm going to wear this one every day now, for when I'm not at the gym. I can bench 400.
Douche B: Gay. I can bench like
450. Can you take a picture of me so I can show off my spray-tanned abs?
Douche A: Yeah man. I
benched like 600 today. Could have done better. Look at me.
Douche B: Lets go take advantage of women so the world can know how straight we are.
Gay guy: I'm gay. You're the first person I've told.
Person who thinks they're the freshest thing since
sliced bread: I'm feeling gay too! Let's go and be jolly and gay, and have a gay old time. *Self-satisfied smirk*
Gay guy: Bitch, fuck you.