Define August 22nd Meaning

August 22nd
The day where all disappointments are created. It may be a bad TV show, a terrible meal, or an accidental child. It is a day of regret and misfortune.

Joe: Ugh tomorrow is August 22nd it's disappointment day
Lynn: Hey! Tomorrow is my birthday
Joe: Exactly
By Barbi
August 22nd
The day all beautiful, ass beating dick sucking, freaks are born. Also the most expensive and gifted.

Jake: uh-oh Tomorrow is August 22nd when all the hoes are born
Jaden: That’s my birthday!
Jake: I know
By Brinna
August 22nd 2020
DRACOTOK’S ANNIVERSARY ✨🐍🎶😩 Bring your wands and light your mahogany apple candles it’s time to celebrate our ferret!

Aka the greatest date known to man. August 22nd 2020 is a blessing to all potterheads.
By Ania
August 22nd

Hey it’s august 22nd

oh okay let me go fuck my girlfriend real quick!
By Karleen
August 22nd
Anyone born August 22nd is that bitch that everyone can understand and relate to.

Guy #1: You were born August 22nd?
Guy #2: Yeah.
Guy #1: I thought so :)
By Willyt
August 22nd
The prettiest date out of all of them, a good day to get married, or ask someone out, or just love.
Love love love

Hey Happy August 22nd!!
By Chlo