Define Bad Habit Meaning

Bad Habits

Did you listen to Tap off of bad habits?
By Lynna
Bad Habits
Whatever sa2d dose is considered a bad habit

ya allah sho ennak sa2eeeeddd/bad habits
By Hulda
Bad Habit
You know how your parents wake you up in the morning even on weekends? Thats called a bad habit.

"Missing the litter box is such a bad habit for my cat, I don't know what to do about it. I tried smacking his ass, but I got shit all over my hands."
By Paula
Beyond All Doubt He Always Brings It Together An Alias Used By Rapper Richie Brown

Beyond All Doubt He Always Brings It Together No Matter Matter Da Stormy Weather No MAtter Da PAin Or Pleasure Bad Habit Is Here Forever
By Lara
Like A Bad Habit
I will drop you like a bad habit! This means to be totally done with someone are something.

I dropped her like a bad habit, when she started seeing her old boyfriend!
By Andie
Bad Habit Rabbit
A lighthearted name used to gently point out a child’s little deficit.

How’s my little bad habit rabbit?
By Jade
Drop Him Like A Bad Habit
To break up; to end a relationship for your personal well-being; to quickly remove somebody from your social circle

That guy is poison to your system – you need to drop him like a bad habit
By Ruthe
Bad Habit
Calling a black person a slave instead of a nigger.

Loving a person that fks you up

Accidentally commenting the entire Shrek script on a post

Not giving any fucks

Killing jews in the summer

These are bad habids

White guy: Wazzuuuup my slave.
Black guy: The fuck you say nigga.
White guy: Bad habit sorry.
Black guy: Idgaf man shoot pedington before Hitler steals your kill.
By Charlene