Define Fks Meaning

A more recent addition to the numerous abreviations to the English language used in AIM / MSN / online gaming speak (or 1337 as it has been dubbed).

Stands for 'fuck knows'.

fks how he made that shot, must be a hax0r
By Leslie
Short for the term fuck commonly used in IRC

By Amye
Foreign Keyboard Syndrome. The feeling one gets from using a keyboard that is not similar to theirs.

Guy 1: "Why are you typing so slow?"
Guy 2: "Dude, it's FKS!"
By Eleni
Abbreviation for fck or fuck. Because fck got censored in Maplestory.

Why the fk did Nexon censor ***?
Fk Nexon.
Who the fk plays Maplestory?
In the old days we could've said ***.
By Joya
Fat Kids. Hardcore Gang based in Las Vegas, Nevada. They have been known to mark there terroritory with graffiti and are very violent. They are seen wearing Black Bandannas out the back left pocket.

FK is a Hardcore Gang is Las Vegas.
By Madelle

When is it going to stop raining?

By Dorise
"Fucking Kiddie Site" ...used to describe any website oriented toward kids. More specifically, any site with content directed toward people deemed younger or less mature than the person calling it "FKS".

That FKS is full of noobs and stupid kid stuff.
By Bernadine
Fat Kid Syndrome- of or relating to the continual need or burning desire to indulge and gorge oneself in a multitude of delectable, ingestible items, which if not treated or satiated stat could result in any number of: seizure, spasm, angina, kidney failure, irritable bowel, migraine, nausea, sever mood swings, manic episodes, mutilation, cannibalism, pillaging, raping, racism, retardation or even death

Dara and Julia's FKS is acting up they might eat a small country if we do not get them food ASAP.
By Dotty

i got to fk that hot chick!
By Karlie
FKS First_Kid_Syndrome Describes someone who is involuntary , naturally competitive

P.s Some people with First kid syndrome may be pathologically narcissistic 3:)

If you're FKS type person, you want to be the best.
People with FKS like to compete โ€” to find out who knows the most, runs the fastest, can eat the most hot dogs, and so on.


- AAA : Stop being so focken competitive >.<

-WMD : Sry :p Canโ€™t help it baiby :) blame my FKS ;)
By Merla