Define Boob Tube Meaning

Boob Tube

“Parents complain about the quality of the shows but don't prevent their children from gluing themselves to the boob tube” (David Owen)
By Violetta
Boob Tube
1) American slang (circa 1980) for the television, and serving as a bargaining tool by parents in disciplining their children, who referred to the time wasted watching it, and lowering their IQ too, hence "boob tube"

Turn that boob tube off and do your homework!
By Bethena
Boob Tube
The new opiate of the people. A electronic box containing a video screen and a speaker, watched by millions of cretins too lazy to go out and get a life. Boob tube watchers get a bad case of half-closed eyes and half-open mouths.

If you watch too much boob tube, you will end up looking like Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel.
By Margaretha
Boob Tube

I see you're watching the boob tube again. Don't you think 6 hours of t.v. watching is enough for one day?
By Dominica
Boob Tube
very skimpy piece of material covering a chicks tits, giving easy access to said tits to anyone so wishing

Sally likes wearing boob tubes because she likes to show off her rack.
By Row
Boob Tube
the space in between ones boobs where you can fit a penis

aww man i so totally would lick her boob tube
By Marguerite
Boob Tube

By Julina
Boob Tube
A party involving lesbians floating on the Rio Grande with little more than their innertubes, sunscreen, and a cooler of well-chilled beer.

The worst day on a Boob Tube is better than any day working.
By Emyle
Boob Tubing
Boob Tubing is somebody that clicks on links to access material on the internet like he changes channels on the television to be entertained. Boob Tubing can also be a person that searches the internet for erotic entertainment.

tubing tube entertainment channels internet youtube facebook twitter google yahoo tube erotic television Boob Tubing
By Emelda
Boob Tube
Porn on T.V. Like playboy or penthouse.

Jim was watching the good old boob tube again tonight's special playmates on playboy.
By Audra