Define Breez Meaning

Trinidadian slang for relaxing.
Synonym of chilling out, hanging out, liming

By Cindie
conversation without any relevance

you chat bare breeze blud
In standard english; your talking rubbish
By Valeria
A girl, often very pretty, and perhaps a model. All the boys are after her and her gorgeous figure! She has amazing hair and a stunning smile!

Boy 1: OMG who's that girl?
Boy 2: That's Breeze
Boy 1: OMG i WANT her!
By Ambur
a vaporizer to get that sick nic buzz, commonly used by the cool kids in highschool. The equivalent to a Juul in Canada,

the reason we are all nicotine addicts. Can be used to make friends in the school washroom.

"Did you get a breeze"
"Can I hit your breeze"
"How much nic is in your breeze"
"Let's go take a breeze break"
"Can you fill my breeze for a mcchicken"
By Josephina

"I'm breezed as a muthafucka"
By Francyne
vrb: to chat breeze
to say things with no relevance or to waffle (see waffle)

to speak complete bollocks.

By Ingaborg
She is a very insecure girl. She doesn't know how amazing she is. She is very pretty. Dropdead gorgeous. She is super nice and everyone loves her. She is an angel. And she is ultra funny. She always tries to lighten up everyone's mood and she succeeds. She can make anything seem funny. She makes everyone around her happy. She carries a warm aura with her. Everyone wants to be her friend; all the girls want to be her and all the guys want her. But despite all the compliments she gets everyday, she is always secretly broken inside.

By Filia

Yo this party is wack. I'm about to breeze.
By Issy
The Breeze
"The third most badass person in the FAYZ"

She is the best character in Michael Grant's GONE series. She sometimes goes by the name Brianna (she doesn't need a last name because she is that cool). She is faster than a speeding bullet and is the coolest person in the FAYZ. Nothing can bring her down! Not being kidnapped and having her hands stuck in cement or a large dose of radiation or a bad burn to half her face. She keeps getting back up and fights the good fight. While she isn't selflessly ricking her lives for other people she is keeping their morals up. Things can get pretty depressing in the FAYZ but she keeps cracking jokes and makes the best of her situation, inspiring others to do the same. She is a role model and awesome to read about.

She is in a sort of relationship with Computer Jack, admitted to having a crush on Sam and she and Dekka are "badass sisters".

She is described as having red hair in pigtails and was 11 in the first book, GONE, and 13 in FEAR.

"Yes. Yes: I will play myself in the movie. The Breeze is way beyond special effects"

"When you get to hell, tell the gaiaphage the Breeze says 'Hi!"

"I'm the breeze bitch"
By Datha
Shortened name for the supermarket Sainsbury’s

By Dyanna