Define Chanking Meaning

food that is spat out

'im not eating that chanking'
By Piper
A dance move. Wind with your arms and hit it to the side, kick your leg up.

Yo you see Mika in the club?

Yeah she hit the chank.
By Yevette

I am chanking!
I would return to Edinburgh but it's fuckin' chanking!
By Dasha
To be very stoned to the point of calling a dog chank or falling down stairs.

"He was totally chanked yesterday. He kept calling Champ: Chank! Chank Chank!!!"
By Milzie
Broken, smashed, damaged, no longer working (properly).

My computer crashed last night and when I went to reboot, the whole thing was chanked.
By Sallyanne
slang for chink(asian person)first became popular on the Chappelle's show.

AA-Rabs, Jews, Neegers, and all those kinds of chanks....stank!

hey kyle, jet lee called, he wants his eyes back. rick james bitch
By Nicolle
a word used as a substitute for thanks and cheers....

chanks for letting me stay at yours last nite
By Berry
The act of shanking someone while at the same time chundering all over them

I like to chank people at the weekends, especially after one to many drinks
By Deerdre
slang term for adderall used by kids in the northeast

Ayyyy boi you got the chank hookup?
By Blake
Invented in Mr. Kane's Geometry class around the beginning of 2005 by Michael Phan (asian), and Cameron Mike (black). When the two were arguing, Michael mocked Cameron and called him a chank, because when Cameron says chink with his Koramo like voice, it sounds like chank. Just one year later the word was widely used throughout Fremont CA, and is still spreading. The #1 victim of this word is Michael and Cameron's friend, Luc Mai. This word is mostly used to make fun of asians, but now anyone can be called a chank.

Luc you chank, put your shirt back on.

Shut up chanker stanker!

Get your chank ass out of here.
By Dolley