Define Cocaine Meaning


By Miranda

friend: "How did Demi Lovato lose all of that weight?"
Me: "cocaine."
friend: "Oh, makes sense."
By Dorella
Cocaine is a naturally derived CNS (central nervous system) stimulant extracted and refined from the Coca plant grown primarily in the Andean region of South America. Cocaine is typically a white-ish powder with a bitter, numbing taste. It is most often insufflated (snorted), though it can also be injected and used orally.

While powder cocaine can be smoked to some effect (despite common belief otherwise), it is a very inefficient method of ingestion. Because of the high temperatures present when smoking, powder cocaine tends to burn rather than vaporizing. For this reason, freebase cocaine, also known as crack, is created from powder cocaine for smoking. Freebase cocaine vaporizes at smoking temperatures providing more effect with less material, as well as faster onset and a more intense high than powder cocaine..

After insufflating some cocaine, I felt a new sense of awareness.
By Cassandry
A naturally occuring stimulant that is one of the most popular of the hard drugs used nowadays. Highly addictive and often of questionable purity (due to it being cut w/ so many things by so many people), it is a dangerous drug. Still rather expensive dosage-wise but cheaper than it was in the 90s and much cheaper today than it was in the 80s. Usually a powder (not crack, that's another story) that comes in two forms--- Dull white granules (crappy stuff) or sparkly, off-white flakes (primo stuff).

Effects--- Alot like speed, but "cleaner" and not as long-lasting. Basically it gives a person lots of energy, makes them more alert and more sharp mentally, gives people a "euphoria" thats difficult to explain--- it's sort of a feeling of invincibility with a simultaneous feeling that all is right in the world. Some people say that it's like ecstasy but you love yourself instead of others. Cocaine also has a pleasurable numbing effect (on gums, lips, etc).
Unfortunately, the drug only lasts ~40 min at the most and the crash is very, very bad, with intense cravings, depression, and paranoia. Addiction soon after experimental use is not uncommon.

Basically--- stay away from the devil's dandruff.

By Leonelle
the reason i am no longer in a sorority.

don't blow lines of cocaine when fat drunk girls are watching...
By Kippy

cocaine will ease the pain. Then your heart explodes, causing brief pain; then death.
By Zarla
Cocaine is the best and the worst drug in the world. I have a love-hate relationship with it. Cocaine produces an indescribable sensation. The weight of the world is taken off your shoulders, you're happy in a bizarre and jumpy way, and you can't shut up (in my case). Your nose becomes numb, as does your throat. You feel as if you have a bubble in the back of your throat. I enjoy drinking cold iced tea when coked up. One of the best parts of cocaine is taking some on your finger and rubbing it on your gums and tongue. This will cause your entire mouth to get numb, and I suggest chewing gum because it's such a good feeling. Putting some coke on the end of a cigarette and taking a few pulls also feels nice.

However, all good things must come to an end. Some people crash worse than others; I have only had one really, really bad crash in my experience. This brought on a feeling of hopelessness and an emptiness in the pit of my stomach. When and IF you crash, seeking more coke will help temporarily, but your best bet is to just call it a night and try to fall asleep in a peaceful atmosphere.

You also have to be careful who you get it from (make sure it is a reliable dealer). It is almost impossible to find 100% pure cocaine nowadays, but some dealers will really give you complete bullshit and you will have wasted your money.

If you have an addictive or unstable personality, DON'T DO IT. I have someone in my life who has been battling cocaine addiction for years now. Rehab has not been able to help. The hardest thing about dealing with an addict is that NO ONE can help them unless they want the help. This person has spent thousands of dollars on coke binges. Cocaine can alter your priorities if you aren't smart about it. Don't blow all your money on it!


Taking a xanax or similar anti-anxiety medication alleviates the "crash" when coming down from the cocaine.

Taking a warm shower as you're coming down also helps immensely.
By Nadiya
cocaine or coke is the best stuff on the black market, it's even said to be gods gift

HAte weed , i'm having cocaine
By Tabina
The reason I don't have a father

Because of cocaine, the male who injected sperm in my mother, or my father, left me to rot. Not even child support money
By Myrta
cocaine comes from the coca leaf and is a central nervous stimulant that releases dopamine into synapses and keeps it there resulting in a euphoric, energetic, "clean", clear headed, and enjoyable high. the high however is short lived (15-40 minutes) followed by craving for more that can lead to a binge cycle where a user will keep using until the stash is gone.

cocaine CAN be harmful if used frequently and heavily causing heart problems, paranoia, anxiety, nasal ulcers, and other issues and if used days on end is not uncommon to cause a schizophrenic episode called "cocaine psychosis" which generaly wears off once the drug does. if not then chances are the person has an underlying mental issue. however it is possible for cocaine to be used responsibly and if used in small amounts and very infrequently it is generaly not harmful.

cocaine is usualy snorted or injected. in some cases people dab a little bit on the end of the penis thinking it will enhance sexual pleasure. this practice however is dangerous and can result in amputation of the penis.

cocaine is also cut with many other adulterants such as baking soda, starch, sugars, caffeine, and amphetamines. the cuts in cocaine often times is more damaging to nasal membranes than the actual cocaine.

1.) billy was an uneducated jackass who, one day, snorted WAY too much cocaine after putting some on the end of his penis thinking that he would have a good time. the result was a heart attack, a penis deader than he was, and one freaked out hooker.

2.) jim was educated about drugs and new when to set limits. he ate well, excersized, and occaionaly used cocaine in reasonable amounts and new when he had enough. he did this a couple times a year without problems until eventualy he grew up a little and decided his party days were a thing of the past and became successful in his career.
By Damara