Define Cooned Meaning

Meaning to steal. Originates from african-americans being called "coons" rather than "niggers" or other more offensive slang. Many people considered african-americans to be thieves, hence the term.

Someone cooned my wallet!

My house got cooned last night.
By Modestine
getting stuff stolen like from the animals or the... cough trashpickers.

They fucking cooned all the shit out of my garage.
By Dee
A cooler way of saying pwned or owned. It pretty much means to be made to look stupid or humiliated.

*guy punches his friend in the face and knocked his coke*"You just got cooned!"
By Mildrid
A person who insults his own race.

Mom, what is the man saying? He's just cooning on black people.
By Pris
The Coon
A vigilante child dressed as a raccoon. It's Eric Cartman's secret identity. He is Professor Chaos's arch enemy and his rival is Mysterion

there is an animal that lives by night; Searches through trash cans and cleans out the garbage. to clean out the trash of society I've chosen to become more than a man; I am the hero this town needs; I am the Coon!
By Anya
An insulting term used by both races.

When used by whites it translates to "nigger".

When used by blacks its describing an uncle Rukus type character.

A black person who is ignorant to white discrimination and unknowingly suffers with self hatred.

A black man who only dates white women or only find white women attractive.

"Samuel L Jackson played a coon in the movie Django."

"Great! The only black news-caster for FOX didn't find anything wrong the white policeman only arresting the black kids in a group of black and white kids! What a coon!"
By Catlee
Coon It In
To Coon it in

To Coon it in:

Is a construction term used when an item or material has been installed prior to your works, meaning you need to rip tear smash and bust any object in your way. At no time do you care about others and their shit, thus the item has been Coon in, The cost will be bared by anyone but yourself as you will be long gone when the other feltcher revisits the area.
By Freddy
A coon is basically a sellout in the African American community.

Or a better defintion is when you are of the race your talking done upon.


Black man gets shoot.

Coon: If he wasn't wearing jays he wouldn't have been shoot. Its his fault for acting black.

Racist White people: applauding

Example: Watch stacey dace at Grammy's. She cooning.
Stacey dace

Raven Simone
By Walliw
Feeling the need to throw your own race under the bus for gain.

By Illa
A black guy who worships white girls and does not like his own race. A black guy who doesn't/barely claims being black

"Look at that fine dark skin over there"

"Girl no, he's a coon"

"Oh never mind then"
By Hillary